Simbol Flowchart. A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents an algorithm, workflow or process, showing the steps as boxes of various kinds - flowchart symbols, and their order by connecting them with arrows. It's the most widely-used symbol in flowcharting.
Give creating a flowchart a try with a free trial of Gliffy, check out our blog on How to Make a Flowchart, or read on for more info on intermediate flowcharting symbols.
Flowchart (bagan alir) juga didefinisikan sebagai diagram yang menyatakan aliran proses dengan menggunakan anotasi- anotasi semisal persegi, panah, oval, wajik dll.
Terminal pont symbol merupakan simbol flowchart berfungsi sebagai permulaan (start) atau akhir (stop) dari suatu kegiatan. Also known as the "Terminator Symbol," this symbol represents the start points, end points, and potential outcomes of a path. Untuk lebih jelasnya mengenai flowchart beserta jenis dan bentuknya.
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